Meow You're Talking! We Chat to Raybox Games about The Cats of Mont Saint Michel!

This episode we speak with Marco Pecota from Raybox Games about The Cats of Mont Saint Michel, a miniatures solo/co-operative campaign game using the Unknown Paths system.

Marco tells us about the new game, his past in the board game industry, how things have changed when it comes to publishing games and a whole lot more in between.

Fans of 'Escape from Stalingrad Z', which came second only to Frosthaven in OnTableTop's Best Board Game award in 2023, may want to listen in, and find out how they can go from battling Zombies in the midst of World War 2, to taking on hoards of vermin just prior to the French Revolution!

So, hit the 'Paws' button on whatever you're doing, perhaps grab a Cat-puccino (or a Meowtini if it's after 5pm) and enjoy!

The Cats of Mont Saint Michel is set to go live on Gamefound on the 6th August, if you'd like to find out more, you can follow along on Gamefound right now for regular updates and discussions.

You can also find out more information on how to purchase other Raybox Games over on their website (
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Jerry Moncrief
  • Daniel Fullard
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Creators and Guests

Coming from a writing background, having spent over a decade running WWEBlog, Jay decided it was time to go in a different direction. That direction was gaming and thus the Bucket List Podcasts were born!
Marco Pecota
Marco Pecota
Family run boardgame publisher. Legions of Steel, Inferno - Battles of the Abyss, and #EscapeFromStalingradZ A Weird World War II Zombie boardgame
Meow You're Talking! We Chat to Raybox Games about The Cats of Mont Saint Michel!
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